Thursday, January 31, 2008

Caminos de Tiza – ORT Virtual Campus on TV Channel 7

TV program broadcasted on Saturday 26, January 2008, by Channel 7 on the main criterion for the creation of ORT Virtual Campus.

There are also testimonies of teachers and students who show and talk about their works with weblogs.
-Part 1-

-Part 2-

-Part 3-

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blogs to Create Networks around Projects

We usually say that blogs are students and teachers’ collaborative production sites, with a physical environment which is the classroom. In this sense, blogs become an “expansion of the classroom”. But can these sites network if their authors are not physically in the same place? Are blogs tools to build such remote bridges “in the air”?

These thoughts derive from a concrete, remote, and collaborative experience: the ARCA Project, which is carried out by Laura Benadiba, from ORT Technical School, Tomás Biosca Esteve, from the El Morell de Tarragona Institute (Catalonia), and their students. This project, based on Oral History work, was awarded towards the end of last year by the Institute of Educational Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona for its innovative methodology and for being a student-centered experience (See video of the awards’ ceremony).

Laura Benadiba narrated in the Oral History and Education blog that the project applies the methodology of Oral History to analyze how people remember the last military dictatorship – Franco’s regime in Spain and the 1976 dictatorship in Argentina- and the silence that still remains in both cases. The Oral History is a useful tool to think about the individual and collective past, and to promote the dialogue among different generations.

During the first phase of the work, there was training in the use of this methodology; the second phase, which will be carried out this year, will deal with the comparative history in both cases and the analysis of the interviews. Therefore, it will be very helpful to have a space for exchange and collaborative network production as the blog, which in turn enables the analysis of the progress attained in the work.

Tomás Biosca Esteve fostered this type of remote, collaborative work, which was facilitated by the new technologies: “an attractive project, a clear goal, and willingness to work are the only things necessary”, he said.

Related post: Videoconference among students from both campuses.

Friday, January 4, 2008

ORT Virtual Campus Videos at YouTube

ORT Virtual Campus has a video channel at YouTube, where not only some practical works of the students can be seen, but also other videos on projects (such as the Model of United Nations), celebrations (as the Graduation Ceremony), trips or other school activities. A report in images -based on the aggregation of different people’s works- of everything that happened in 2007, which we hope to enlarge this year…

This video channel is also a new space for communication and exchange, which is added to the ones that already exist within the framework of the Virtual Campus, such as the Web of Weblogs and Twitter. We invite you to visit it and to subscribe to the channel so as to receive the new videos:

Thursday, January 3, 2008

ORT Argentina Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony

A Day at ORT

Insitutional video of a day at ORT Argentina